to us, sustainability means to protect the natural environment we live in…
We grow as much of our own food as we can, and recycle as many of our used products as possible. - Dave and Barb Milina
Sustainability & eco-accommodation
It is our philosophy to try our best to do our bit for the environment by recycling of as much packaging, cardboard, paper, tin, cans plastic and glass as possible.
Any food scraps are recycled by being fed to the worms and hens who in turn provide amazing compost.
We use biodegradable eco-friendly cleaning materials wherever possible.
There’s a range of indoor pot plants in every room to ensure healthy indoor air quality.
Rainwater is collected for use within the property and where possible, recycled waste water is used for garden irrigation.
As we rely on rainwater, we can reduce usage by minimising the washing of linen, flushing toilets only when necessary and not leaving taps running.
We encourage guests to consider the frequency of washing and the impact of washing materials and water on the environment.
Using solar lights in the garden and switching off lights and appliances when we are out.
Installing low energy LED light bulbs wherever possible and encouraging energy efficient use of resources.
We regularly upgrade appliances to more energy-efficient models.
Our aim to reduce our carbon footprint is an ongoing activity we are constantly focusing on.
Surrounded by bush, at Warblers Retreat, we cannot help but be aware of the nature around us. With it comes a sense of responsibility.
We have been proud to display Tourism New Zealand’s top Qualmark award for 5 star accommodation and gold for sustainability while operating as a Bed and Breakfast facility.